Lottery Project Update - museum roof and platform nearing completion.......

4th March, 2020

Museum roof and platform nearing completion…….

February’s weather was not well suited to running a roofing contract, but despite the storms Wells Roofing have made progress on the roof with the trackside half of the roof completed and the the porch no longer sags in the middle following installation of a new purlin.  Our contractors are still battling with the weather waiting for gaps to finish the other side of the roof but hopefully they will be finished by the end of the week.  Inside the building an old artex ceiling has been removed in readiness for a new ceiling and some repairs to ceiling joists.  Once the roof has been completed and the building is watertight internal refurbishment can start in earnest.

Over on the platform, a bridge has been built across the track to enable a raod roller and tarmac to be delivered (via a wheelbarrow gang!) and Avalon Surfacing have as of today started the final surfacing of the platform.  Some temporary post and wire fencing will be installed later this week to enable us to open to the public on 14th March.

Many thanks to Jon, Phil and Ash from Wells Roofing who have braved the normal Cranmore Siberian weather as well as sleet. snow and driving hail ! One wonders what weather was encountered in 1858 when the building was first constructed.